
Article thumbnail: Kane Wilton and twin sister Sinead spent years of their childhood apart when they went into care. He describes the heartache siblings in care endure when they are moved miles away from each other (Photo: supplied via Become)

‘Being in care ripped me away from my twin sister - I won’t lose her again'

Kane Wilton and twin sister Sinead spent years of their childhood apart when they went into care. He tells i about the heartache siblings in care endure when they are moved miles away from each other

Why more millennials are becoming foster carers

‘I went into care at 7 after my mum died - the system is a constant battle'

Article thumbnail: Lamar Mohsen, 17, says being in care can be a rollercoaster journey. She explains how difficult it is for young people when they are suddenly sent somewhere different for a few weeks when their foster carers go on holiday (Photo: supplied via Become)

'I was moved 250 miles in care - people stared at me because I was black'

Putting children in care to punish women is utterly stupid, says Time co-writer